For friends we are "those of TDF", an art and curatorship collective that is committed to the dissemination of contemporary art as a tool for raising awareness and education, through the creation of targeted cultural projects for schools and associations.
However, our work also includes curating at 360°, with the creation and promotion of events, exhibitions and creative paths designed for the public/artist relationship.
The jobs we carry out are multiple... to find out more take a peek at our pageservices
The collective
In recent years, many artists who have worked with us have expressed the need to have a place (even if not physical) where to insert their works.
TDF has created a section dedicated to this on its website.
Meeting point between artists, art lovers and collectors, here anyone can exhibit their work and make it known.
We are a very close-knit group and we always try to build new projects together, as well as creating real meeting moments where we can discuss art and advise each other.
If you want to join too...contact us!!!!